If we knew what would grow faster than inflation, we all could just plonk our retirement money in it and be assured of safe leisurely life in our old age. So what has been proven to grow faster than inflation over the past century without fail?
Government Spending! According to the Privateer, "In 1909, the US federal government had an annual budget of $US 0.8 Billion. With this it governed a population of just over 90 million people. The cost of government was about $9 per capita. In 2009, the US federal government has an annual budget of $US 3,550 Billion. With this it governs a population of just over 300 million people. That's a cost of about $11,675 per capita."
Now if there was only some way to invest in government spending, we'd all be rich!
Another fact is that you could buy an ounce of silver for a dollar. Now it'll cost you over $17! Are you going to wait until its over $50/ounce before you start buying? For an interesting read check out Why $1,000 Gold is Now Significant
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