Its called Zero to Zillionaire
It starts off explaining how having a wealthy atracting mindset is of immense importance. If you have hangups about money and charging people for services, you'll never be able to make or keep money. Also had a nice analogy about the different types of people and ancient sea voyages, dividing people into 3 types - merchants, crew members and passengers. The merchants are investors and business owners who take all the risks, the crew members are employees doing what they're told, and the passengers[and stowaways] are along for the ride but do as they please. Its an easy read and falls in the "psychology of investing/wealth building" category. I ilked it much more than the millionaire mindset series by T. Harv Ecker.
I believe having a winning mindset really does attract wealth. Everything in life is 90% mental. Whether you're running a race or investing. If you don't have the mental strength or the right mindset you don't do the things that are vital to achieving success.
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