Is This Blog Worth $59,841?

According to this widget created by the Business Opportunities Site, based on my content, backlinks and some other black magic SEO stuff, this site is worth $59,841.24!

My blog is worth $59,841.24.
How much is your blog worth?

While I find it hard to believe that anyone would pay close half or even a fifth of that amount (they might pay a tenth though), it's still nice to know its not completely worthless in someone else opinion. Blogs usually sell for a multiple of their current monthly income or potential income. For example, is not uncommon for a blog that generates $500/month to sell for $5000. However, if its a site that requires minimal maintenance or updating, it could easily sell for 2 years worth of revenue. There are quite a few venture capital companies that have actually invested in thousands of websites that generate income. Even public companies like American Capital Strategies (ticker: ACAS) bought Roxy Media and its domains last year for a pretty penny.

While, this site isn't exactly for sale, if you think you'd like to make on offer on it, don't hesitate to let me know in the comment section. I except all major currencies, paypal and even gold coins!

Let me know what your blogs are worth.

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