More Ways That Airlines Can Charge Passengers

American Airlines has just announced that it will begin charging passengers $15 to check in their baggage. I think a better system would be to charge by weight. You stand on the scale with all your baggage and pay a standard rate based on total weight and distance traveling.

According to Romesh Chander of Bellingham, WA, here are some ideas for
More ways that airlines can make money off passengers:

Toilet usage on the plane -- $5
Issung Ticket -- $5
Issuing Boarding Pass -- $5
Checking Boarding Pass at Gate -- $5

Piolts charge for flying plane -- $20
Copilot's charge for flying plane -- $15

Charge for leaving on time -- $5
Charge for arriving on time -- $5
Charge for arriving in correct city -- $5
Charge for arriving safely -- $5

Unscheduled stop -- $50

Bumpy ride -- $10
Lost luggage -- $10
Finding lost luggage -- $10

Clean plane -- $5

COMPLAINTS/questions (Any kind) -- $20

Fuel surcharge varies
Base ticket rate varies

Tip for Stewards $20% of final bill

Pension plan for executives $10% of final bill

Anybody got any other ideas?

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